Monday, January 08, 2007

Love these guys!


Brett Probert said...

Me too!!!

PS: Who are they?

Prettybird said...

They are Hallmark characters, Brett. Don't you ever go out your front door? Just kidding. I found them on line. Having two teenagers in the house helps.


Greg Cox said...

Hopps and Barley, or whoever, were not on "High School Musical" so I don't have a clue either. You see, having pre-pubescent girls in the house means that's all I get to see at this moment.

Course, the "Pop-up Video" version isn't too bad.

Brett Probert said...


I do go out the front door, but I go straight to Greg's home and am exposed only to the "High School Musical."


Prettybird said...

I'm going to have to step up the security features on my comment page. :)


P.S. High School Musical is running rampant in our home, too. The ugly part is that the music is so catchy I keep singing it all day long! Just like those darn VBS songs each summer!