Well, I did it. I managed to stay on my (enter expletive of your choice here) diet for one day. Yesterday, actually. I did really well. I ate my targeted amount of points, drank a lot of water, had several fruits and veggies, passed up the Snickers Easter egg (even though I had enough points to eat it) and opted for fat-free pudding instead, and walked with hubby on the Yough trail. So why doesn't it seem to matter? Why am I so darn impatient? Why am I so hard on myself? I haven't weighed this much since I lost 60 pounds 3 years ago, but so what? I haven't gained it all back and I intend to take it back off, so why am I so obsessed? Hopefully after tonight's meeting I will be able to put the past behind me and just forge ahead. Remember, I plan to accomplish great things in this next month. (Read this.) How did I manage to stay on my diet yesterday? Look closely at this picture.
We put up the gate to keep the dog from the extra food we had in the pantry over Easter. But, in reality, I think it's higher purpose was to keep me away from this...
Every time I had to step over that (enter expletive of your choice here) gate I remembered to eat well. Maybe I should set up gates all over my house! Imagine the workout I could get jumping from room to room!
Took these pictures to find out what color Kathy prefers for her daughter's bear sweater. I think they're pretty.
When is purple month for Project Spectrum? I'm also going to knit up a square or two for Warming Grace. I don't have a lot of wool, so I'll have to see what I can come up with. Gee, I might just have to go to the yarn store!