This is the plastic that's covering part of my carpeting so the workers can put new windows in the parsonage. This plastic is so's like a giant roll of tape. How can I get some of that to use every day? Can't you just see me covering everything with it? Can you say Monk? But the good news is...they are almost done putting in 18 (!) windows and they are really nice. This is the window in the dining room.
The old windows were so drafty we could see the curtains blow even when they were shut. It's a lot warmer and a lot quieter in the house now. The men are doing a great job. The first day they arrived around 7:30 AM and Elliot kept saying "Hi Dave", "Hi Steve". Now, I have no idea what their names are, but I guess Elliot thought those were good manly names.
While we were escaping the cold and the noise in my bedroom, I finished this for my mom.
Now both of her scarves are done. I think I'm over the "funky yarn scarf" thing. I'm working on the socks again, but don't have a good picture so far. I haven't been able to concentrate or knit without interruption for a few days so I set them aside to finish the scarf. Claire has been invited to a birthday party at the rollerskating rink tomorrow, so I should get some more done then. Thanks to Anny for the adivce about the ladders. I'm willing to try anything at this point! She sent me "good sock vibes" too.
(Wow, it's cold in here...there are still windows out as they work on the kitchen. I wish I'd learned how to knit some of those fingerless gloves!)
Now, on to Project Spectrum. Here is one of my favorite red purse from Macy's in NYC.
It's not a fancy purse, nor is it an expensive purse, but I love it because I actually walked into Macy's and bought it. Kate and I went to New York in November and had a blast. We'd both move there in a New York minute. We might even take the rest of the family with us. (Maybe.)
Two sets of circular needles (of which I have none), a cool tape measure and a counted cross stitch kit that's all PURSES!!!! Whoopee!!
Think I'd better go warm up now or I'll have pneumonia just in time for Spring!
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